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Pilgrimage from Home

You don't have to travel far to be a Pilgrim. If you are travelling in order to get closer to God - then you are a Pilgrim. We'd like to encourage you start right where you are - your church, your home - and be a Pilgrim.

You could do this on your own, or with a group of friends. You could make links with another church or group and perhaps walk between places. Maybe there is a site of spiritual significance nearby which you could make your way to?

Local Knowledge


Plan a local walk. 5 miles should take a morning or afternoon. Do you have a river, canal or footpath which might make the basis of a walk? You can plan a circular route but going from A to B seems more "pilgrimage" to me? Is there a local focus you could use?  You may need public transport of a lift back - though this might be oportunity to witness.

You could advertise this in church or to other local groups.

A theme like "signs of life" or "restoration" or "transforming community" or "fruitfulness" can give a focus for your thoughts. Find useful Bible verses too.

Spend time at the end to reflect on what you have experienced. What might God say to you through this?

Prayer Walking

You can dedicate your walk to praying for those you walk by on the way - people, homes, schools, pubs etc. 

If there is a local issue or problem you could hold that in prayer as you walk - industrial change, challenges to agriculture, new building development or social unrest. Pray for God's  kingdom to come where you walk.

You don't have to nag God all the way round either. If you dedicate your time to some local need at the beginning you can talk to God just as and when it seems apropriate as you walk.

If you are wrestling with some big decision it can help to walk and let those thoughts bubble away as you seek God's way for you.


Linking Up

Could you walk from one church to another and share a service at the start and/or the end? You could join lots of churches together in a Deanery perhaps in a series of relay legs?

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity might lend itself to walking to churches of a different denomination - maybe calling at a third for lunch or tea? You might want to build bridges with those of different faiths?

This might be particularly effective where there has been a history of discord or suspicion between communities.

Active Quiet Day

"Quiet Days are Ok for those who like being quiet!". But some of us just can't sit still and shut up! Why not have an active quiet day? Start with an act of worship, perhaps take a bible passage or a question to mull over, and then walk as you talk and think. 

It is surprisng how you can reflect on God when you are lost, out of puff, exhillerated by the view, stuck in the mud etc. How often you find yourself saying "Isn't that just like life, or faith, or the Bible...." and God starts to speak.

If you go as a group and include a pub lunch - "isn't that just like Communion" as you break bread together?

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