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Day 14 To Melrose to join St Cuthbert's Way
Day 13 Peebles to Minch Moor

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From Peebles to  Minch Moor to Melrose - maybe to stay a tthe bothy?

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Ready to follow the foosteps of St.Cuthbert - called to Lindisfarne.

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Interesting remote moorland here - College Valley Estates limit the number of cars allowed in each day to preserve its tranquility. MOD firing ranges have the opposite effect.

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St Cuthbert was sent to be the leader of the monastery on Lindisfarne. He wasn't keen to go - but he went anyway.

Day 16 From Morebattle to Wooler
Day 15 On St.Cuthbert's Way to Morebattle

Joining St.Cuthbert on the Way


Cuthbert was the most popular saint of the pre-Conquest Anglo- Saxon Church. He was born about 625. In response to a vision of the death of Aidan of Lindisfarne, Cuthbert entered religious life and was formed in the austere traditions of Celtic monasticism. He was Prior of Melrose Abbey from 651-664 and was then Prior of Lindisfarne. Made Bishop of Hexham in 684, Cuthbert continued to live in Lindisfarne. He died at his hermitage on March 20, 687.


Cuthbert accepted the decisions of the Synod of Whitby in 663 that brought the usages of the English Church in line with Roman practice. He was, therefore, a “healer of the breach” that threatened to divide the church into Celtic and Roman factions.

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